A New Era in In-App Ad Experience: AppHarbr and X3M

As the in-app landscape shifts, the importance of secure, engaging in-app advertising experiences comes to the fore. Disruptive, unexpected ads harm user experience and dilute user trust in the advertising ecosystem. App publishers require real-time controls and complete transparency into the ads appearing in their apps. 

AppHarbr has emerged to meet this need by providing in app ad quality solutions. The goal is to automate ad quality control and allow app developers to increase revenue while sustaining user loyalty through consistently relevant and engaging advertising.

We’re therefore excited to announce that AppHarbr has partnered with X3M. As an adtech and ads related services provider, X3M has been growing its market share by offering app publishers a neutral and transparent mediation solution coupled tailored customer service. Their publisher-first mentality is a perfect match for the AppHarbr philosophy. Through the partnership, X3M will be integrating AppHarbr, giving its clients a fast and seamless way to access AppHarbr protection.

The Research on Ad Experience and Publisher Monetization

AppHarbr’s research reveals the full impact of ad experience on publisher monetization:

  • Reviews: 93% of app developers reported that bad ads lead to negative app store reviews, discouraging potential users.
  • Installs: 71% of respondents stated that poor ad quality caused users to uninstall their apps.
  • Session Length: 57% of gaming app publishers believe that poor ad quality leads players to stop playing, impacting the length of time a user spends actively playing a mobile game.
  • Churn Rate: Close to half (46%) of respondents said bad ads contributed to user churn. Offensive content and malicious ads were cited as the top reasons for ad quality affecting churn.
  • LTV: 69% believe that poor ad quality negatively affects overall user experience and lowers lifetime value.

Empowering App Developers

When integrated into X3M’s platform, AppHarbr serves as a barrier against intrusive, inappropriate, and malicious ads. Working with AppHarbr’s real-time protection across X3M’s platform ensures that only engaging ad creatives are delivered to X3M’s publishers and supply partners. By leveraging AppHarbr’s ad quality protection, app publishers can boost their apps’ ROI by preventing ads and advertisers who harm monetization.

“AppHarbr and X3M have a shared vision of enhancing in-app ad monetization, while maintaining a user-friendly, safe experience,” shared Amnon Siev, CEO of AppHarbr. “Together, AppHarbr and X3M are driving positive change in the industry.”

A Deep Dive into Ad Quality and Safety

Security in the Spotlight: In-app advertising faces covert threats. Malvertising, which distributes malware through seemingly safe ads, is a looming danger. Clickbait uses deceptive tactics to lure users astray. AppHarbr and X3M work together to prevent these issues from ever reaching users.

Elevating User Experience: Ad quality isn’t solely based on content. Ad ‘behavior’ is equally important, which means that disruptive and intrusive ads are particularly problematic. Unskippable interstitials and ads that unexpectedly play audio annoy users and disrupt their experience. AppHarbr and X3M combat these challenges by ensuring that ad behavior aligns with audience expectations.

“Working with AppHarbr perfectly complements our mission at X3M. Ad quality is paramount for many studios, as is the trust in a mediation platform that protects their interests over those of advertisers. We’re eager to further refine our services through proprietary features and partnerships like this one,” shared Ignacio Ortiz, co-founder and COO at X3M. 

Revolutionizing the In-App Ad Landscape

The partnership between AppHarbr and X3M goes beyond ensuring safety. It ushers in a transformative, new era of in-app advertising. Neutrality is a cornerstone of this partnership, as is a firm stance against investing in ads or taking stake in games. 

By combining AppHarbr’s rigorous ad quality protocols with X3M’s advanced mediation methods, the alliance enables performance-driven, transparent ad auctions. This collaboration envisions an ad ecosystem where developers and publishers can operate with clear insight and confidence in the quality of every ad served.

Envisioning a Trustworthy Ad Future

The partnership between AppHarbr and X3M stems from a mutual vision of amplifying in-app ad revenue while safeguarding user experience. Both companies prioritize the needs and goals of app developers and publishers, while upholding neutrality, transparency, and innovation.

In the ever-evolving digital advertising space, the partnership between AppHarbr and X3M stands out. Their shared commitment to security, quality, and relevance promises an ad ecosystem in which innovation flourishes, developers thrive, and users enjoy an unmatched experience.

Alisha is a Technology Writer and Marketing Manager at GeoEdge. Her writing focuses on current events in the AdTech ecosystem and cyberattacks served through the digital advertising supply chain. You can find Alisha on LinkedIn to discuss brand building and happenings in AdTech.


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